Heroic Women
“Yes, my bold and brave female lead really does take life by the proverbial, and in this instance, literal balls of those who would attempt to degrade or intimidate.”
- Amy K. McClung
by Amy K. McClung
When a submission call for romance featuring a rescue worker came from my publisher, I knew instantly I wanted to write a story about a female rescue worker. Having rarely read any, I couldn’t help but wonder why such a courageous group of women weren’t portrayed as heavily in literature. My aim was to portray a woman who had strength and courage, and a big heart as well.
Yes, women can be all three and have it all. Especially in a romance novel.
Heavily in research mode, I soon discovered the numbers of female firefighters to be much lower than I imagined. The other disheartening statistic associated with the career is that of the 4 percent of women firefighters, 88 percent of them had experienced sexual harassment on the job.
Let’s pause a moment.
Eighty-eight percent.
And with that massive statistic looming, there has been little to change things. In fact, I read an article about a woman who had dealt with such tremendous harassment on the job she committed suicide. Her reports of harassment were answered with tacky pranks and lack of action from the higher ups in the department. In the aftermath, there was so little done to rectify the situation at that station, that one of the highest-ranking women, a Battalion Chief, resigned in frustration over the departments refusal to change.
While my novel “A Little Spark” is indeed a romance novel with many comedic moments, I deliberately built in scenarios where the lead female character, Jilli, had to stand her ground when facing harassment. Such moments were used not only to build in realism of her employment situation, but they were used as empowering moments. Yes, my bold and brave female lead really does take life by the proverbial, and in this instance, literal balls of those who would attempt to degrade or intimidate.
Now, more than ever, it’s important for books, movies, and publications to focus on female heroes, the powerful women who’ve clawed their way to the top or put their lives on the line every day for others.
Each and every dedicated female firefighter deserves to be celebrated as they break the mold of stereotypical gender roles present for centuries. Not only that, but they are to be respected for their courage and bravery, right alongside their male counterparts.
In my eleventh novel published, my sixth with Hot Tree Publishing, my wonderful heroine, Jilli, from “A Little Spark”, is the feisty protagonist I’m so proud of. Brave, dedicated, and having a strong voice in a unit of predominantly male firefighters, I created her character as a shout-out to the women firefighters of America, heck… of the world.
My research was carried out shortly before the #metoo movement on social media. And during editing, the Times Up initiative began in Hollywood. With all of this in the news, it was more important than ever for me to make this story great.
Celebrating a woman’s ability to fight shoulder to shoulder with her male colleagues, while in true romance style falling in love with her civilian hunk, was just part of my aim. One of my novels wouldn’t be complete without some wit and drama thrown into the fold.
With my female firefighter, I wanted her to have flaws and faults too. In doing so, my aim was to ensure realism was created. With women being by target audience, it was an additional way to hold the flag of equality and empowerment. We can have it all, right? Be strong and courageous, be passionate and beautiful, while also every now and then, allowing a good all-round guy to sweep us off our feet.
I want “A Little Spark” to be received as more than “just” a romance. It’s my hope readers will cheer on Jilli’s strengths and admire her courage in the field. As important as it is to entertain my readers, I also want to bring notice to the many amazing women in a male-led industry.
So, if you’re looking for an uplifting romance with wit, drama, and heat… in both senses of the word, I’d love for you to get to know Jilli and Sam, and check out “A Little Spark.”
About the Author
Amy McClung was born in Nashville, TN. She is the second oldest of four girls and occasionally suffers from middle-child syndrome. She met the love of her life online in August of 2004, on his birthday of all days, and married him in September 2005.
Currently they have no human children, only the room full of colorful robots that transform into vehicles and the large headed Pop Funkos who represent their favorite characters. Collecting movies, shot glasses, Pop Funkos, and dust bunnies are some of her favorite pastimes.
Amy began writing in September of 2011 and independently published her first YA novel, “Cascades of Moonlight”, book one of the Parker Harris series the following May. Her first book was a means of therapy for her, enabling her to escape reality for a while during a difficult transition in her life. To date she has published eleven novels, six of them with Hot Tree Publishing as well as being a part of two anthologies.
Sparks fly when sassy firefighter Jilli meets her match in Amy K. McClung’s enemies-to-lovers romance.
When Sam and Jillian meet, the snark and sparks start to fly. Despite their intense attraction, words and actions are misunderstood, and miscommunication is rife. Will their stubbornness be their downfall or the start of something extraordinary?
Author E-mail: amy.mcclung@att.net
Publisher Email: contact@hottreepublishing.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AmyKMcclung
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmythaMcclung
Website: amykmcclung.blogspot.com
Instagram: @amykmcclung