Interview with Mel Todd

Author of The Twisted Luck series

Tell us a little about yourself

I'm a writer living in Atlanta, Georgia though I'm a California transplant that grew up on a small farm. I have 3 cats and am struggling to have my fingers keep up with all the stories I want to tell.

What prompted you to write your upcoming or latest release?

I love my Twisted Luck series. The world is so rich with almost unlimited opportunities. The main character Cori is someone trying to go through life and deal with the realities we all have to deal with: getting a job, friends, moving away. But she has the added problem of being an extremely powerful mage that everyone wants to use, humans and magical denizens.

What genre and tropes are in your upcoming or latest release? Why these?

The current book I'm working on, Drafted Luck which should be available late summer, is turning into an odd political thriller as well as a work place drama. I think at the end you'll almost feel sorry for Cori's bosses. I am very much one of those authors that starts out with one plan and ends up someplace else because my characters have very defined personalities and sometimes what I thought they would do in a situation is not what they do. It keeps my life interesting.

If your main character had a day off, how would they spend it?

Out hiking in the mountains with her familiar Carelian. They are a qualified S&R team and hiking is the one form of exercise that doesn't drive her crazy and delights Carelian as he gets to hunt and chase wildlife that crosses their path.

Anything else you'd like to share with our readers?

I'm proud of the characters I created and I love the strong bonds of friendship and love they have even though I don't have much of a romance string through them. The friendships are the most important part of this series.

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Coffee and my BFF are all the magic I need. 

Things have gone wonky around me most of my life. I find an odd amount of dead or dying people, and if something freakish happens, I'm usually in the middle or nearby. My luck dumps me into the weirdest situations. Which means finding a body on the way to work isn't exciting, just frustrating because I can't afford to lose my job. College, when you aren't a mage, is expensive.

My best friend Jo, is the only person I can depend on, and I fear I might lose her to magic too. But when the latest dead body has my name in his pocket, I find out I have more friends than I thought. I'm going to need them to graduate. But I will earn my certification no matter what I have to overcome. 

Nothing is going to stop me. I will have a good life, I will be a great EMT, and I will keep looking for why my twin died. Life is a series of steps; this is step one. But with my luck, anything and everything might happen.

My Luck – the first book in the Twisted Luck series, an Urban Fantasy you didn't know you needed. 

A found family, non-romantic urban fantasy with a smattering of magical beasties.

Stay up to date with Mel's releases by reaching out to her in the following places:

Amazon | Facebook


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