Interview with Pinar Tarhan

Author of Making a Difference

Tell us a little about yourself

I'm a romance novelist, screenwriter, freelance writer, and blogger. I've been creating stories for as long as I can remember, from complex plots for my dolls to published novels. In between, I crafted many essays, screenplays, blog posts and articles, but my first love has always been fiction. My non-fiction appeared on CNN, The Washington Post, and WOW! Women on Writing among others. I published my first novel in 2018, and my second in March 2021.

What prompted you to write your upcoming or latest release?

A Change Would Do You Good is set in California. When I was 15, I spent a month in Santa Barbara at a camp for students. It's the best summer of my life, and I fell in love with both Santa Barbara and Los Angeles. I met a lot of interesting people from all ages and backgrounds, and after I returned, I had this idea. A woman living in LA gives her life a complete makeover and meets a set of colorful characters in her new neighborhood. All characters are made up, but there is a lot of me in Janie, my protagonist. All the outdoor activities, level of quirkiness and variety in my characters...They were definitely inspired by my time there. And the themes have always been close to my heart: epic romance, close friendships between opposite sexes, living life to the fullest, going after a career you love...

What genre and tropes are in your upcoming or latest release? Why these?

The novel is a romcom drama. I'm a romantic, always have been. I believe in true, everlasting love, strong and stable relationships, and happily ever after. The drama... well, it's a part of life. We all have ups and downs. My protagonist Janie has it all, but then her boyfriend dies and her best friends move abroad. Suddenly, her whole life is shattered. So she starts over with a new job, at a new apartment, in a different city. Here, she meets people who are struggling with their own problems, characters who hate their jobs, someone who has suffered major trauma and is suffering from agoraphobia, an overall lucky guy who can't find romantic love no matter how hard he tries...

Finding love, health, fulfilment, and true friendships is all we want in life. Yes, some of these characters have been blessed with having money and/or good looks, but no one's life is perfect. And change is the biggest theme of all. Everyone changes, either willingly or unwillingly, to cope with what life throws at them. And of course, there is the comedy to make everything more fun.

If your main character had a day off, how would they spend it?

Janie would go to the beach with Linda or Greg. She loves the water. She loves swimming, sunbathing, just watching the waves or taking a walk. It is both fun and relaxing, and she loves a good balance between rest and activity. She would then go home, take a shower, get dressed and then go dancing with those two.

Anything else you'd like to share with our readers?

I love to talk about my characters and writing in general, so they can always reach me to chat.

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35-year-old successful fashion designer Janie had everything…until her boyfriend died and her best friends moved abroad.

When Janie’s boyfriend dies and her best friends move abroad, she gives her life the ultimate makeover. But her colorful new neighbors will take some getting used to. Enter Kevin: A pro surfer with the looks of a Norse god, he lives for the waves. Their chemistry is off the charts, but surely, she can’t fall for a guy who doesn’t seem to know words like commitment and relationship? As her new life brings about more disruption and distraction than she ever imagined, will she be able to embrace the biggest change of all…falling in love again?

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Pinar Tarhan is a novelist, screenwriter, freelance writer, and blogger. She has been creating worlds and stories for as long as she can remember. Her first novel, Making A Difference (M.A.D.) is a contemporary lighthearted comedy set in New York. It tells the story of two PR expert humanitarians working to make the world a better place while struggling with their strong feelings for each other. After all, they are both in loving, committed relationships with other people.

Pinar was born in 1984. She is an old millennial who loves rock music, dancing, traveling, languages, movies, compelling TV series, and sun/sea/sand vacations. All or most of these find their way into their stories and characters.

Stay up to date with Pinar's releases by reaching out to her in the following places:

IG: @skydiveroffreefalls, Twitter: @zoeyclark, FB:


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