My Favorite Scene to Write in To Say Goodbye
by Lindsay Detwiler
They can happen in a coffee shop, on a bus, or in a park. Sometimes they’re planned, but more often than not they’re completely unexpected. They’re a symbol of unwavering passion showcased between two people.
First kisses are magical, memorable, and sometimes life-changing. Frequently, they’re the turning point in relationships, in love.
As a romance writer, I’ve always loved writing scenes about first kisses. There’s just something inherently beautiful about the first time two characters’ lips meet. I love the vulnerability and the moment of revelation that can happen in a first kiss scene.
With five novels released now, I’ve been able to explore a lot of first kisses. I’ve written about first kisses in a wintery park. I’ve written about first kisses by appetizers at an 80th birthday party. I’ve written about first kisses that lead to chaos and turmoil at Wildflower Meadows. I’ve written about first kisses that happen on a park bench, while baking cupcakes, and over a bucket of popcorn while watching The Wedding Singer.
Even though I’ve written about a lot of first kisses, my favorite first kiss scene so far has to be the first kiss scene in To Say Goodbye.
When writing To Say Goodbye, I couldn’t wait to get to the scene where Sophia and Jackson finally give in to their feelings for each other. I wanted it to be reflective of who they are—a little bit hesitant but, once the spark is lit, full of passion.
Jackson and Sophia are two wrecked souls at the beginning of the novel. They’ve both barely managed to survive immense tragedies in their lives. They’re broken and unsure of their footing. With each other, though, they’re able to resurrect a piece of their lives. They’re able to find the shattered pieces of their former selves and start rebuilding who they are.
The redemptive quality of their relationship shines through in their first kiss. Sophia and Jackson’s kiss is honest, genuine, and sweet. It isn’t the overly passionate kiss of some lovers, but it makes sense for them. It’s unassuming and a bit humorous in its location. Despite the pretty unconventional locale of their first kiss, though, it’s a revolutionary moment for both of them. It’s a huge “aha” moment for the characters and the reader.
When their lips meet for the first time, Jackson and Sophia realize they’re perfect for each other—and I think you will, too.
I hope to write many more first kiss scenes, but I know Jackson and Sophia’s first kiss will always hold a special place in my writing heart. There’s something unequivocally meaningful about a kiss that serves as a salvation for two broken people.
Trying to piece together a new life, Sophia and Jackson must answer the question: Should they forge a life together and say goodbye to their pasts completely, or should they loyally go their separate ways to avoid heartache?